Tuesday, August 8, 2017

From the Desk of Erik van Achthoven


"After I appraised the value of those books what I stumbled upon in the library, I decided it was time for me to follow the plan and join Grace at the warehouse, where she continued searching through prof "Ayers's" effects. On my arrival to the scene, I should witness a subversion in front of the warehouse; the police was present, statements were taken, an injured security guard had been receiving first aid from the ambulance... Rather upsetting sight, I should say, I felt the urge to demand some explanation from a police officer. He was ready to share that an ambush took place earlier in the warehouse, but its victim left with a cab, and he demanded to know my involvement, too. I happily informed him that the victim should be a certain Grace Sullivan who worked for the federal government, and to my best knowledge, stayed at the Michaelangelo's.

After these details were cleared I hurried back to our motel where I found the others, including prof Wolf (who had just arrived back from New York, minutes before me), gathering in Quincy's room. They were quite concerned about a piece of paper, which was slipped under the door earlier. After having a quick look, I was convinced the warning came from Grace. At this moment the members of our group seemed to have a different opinion on the matter; the good professor and I (probably because of our senile age) wanted to stay, while the others would rather leave Los Angeles.

Finally, we met in the middle, stayed in the city but moved to a first class hotel. Moreover, we took some precautionary measure, deposited the case's materials in the vault of a downtown bank, set up a strict policy on who and how were permitted to access it and such.

Finally, we put the cherry on top of the day and went to the Chinese district to comply our dinner invitation with Vanessa. The food was gorgeous, Vanessa sparkled, the whole evening went very well. However, she wasn't really a good use; we hardly learnt anything new - at a certain point, my companions suspected that she was pumping us for information; which was nonsense, really - I knew her too well and for too long to believe such accusations. She was just simply curious, and a bit all over the place, as she had always been.

Anyway, I achieved what I came for: I casually offered a late night lecture (claiming during the day I would be too busy with the case) for her students (we used to gave these night lectures all the time back in the day at Sorbonne; it has a certain charm, gives a bohemian feeling - after all, artists are flamboyant people) what she accepted happily, and we set the date sometime the upcoming week. 

My real intention was, to conduct a search in prof MacDunn's office, when the building would be otherwise deserted, preferably by Quincy, during this lecture. (Unfortunately, Vanessa might have withdrawn her consent when I upset her the very next day...). Anyway, after the dinner we went back to the Hotel and retired. 

Next morning, during breakfast, the ambusher turned up at the reception; prof Wolf, as a man of discipline, had already earned his reputation among the staff, therefore he was quickly but discreetly informed which bought some time for Quincy, to hunt down this man... Unfortunately, the ambusher still managed to take to his heels, with Quincy in his footsteps. (Apart from the fact he drove away in his car meanwhile Quincy hailed a cab and followed him unnoticed). After this early morning interlude, Chastity and the prof decided to set up a trap for our stalker.

Meanwhile I went to the airport to check upon Grace. At the airport, Frank told me that Grace had been in a quite bad shape when she turned up the day before. I would have liked to talk to her but she was sleeping; I knew from Frank, she hadn't slept through the night, so I didn't have the heart to wake her. On the other hand, I wished to tell her the newest developments of our case, so I chose to wait. I the meantime, I skimmed through prof "Ayers'" effects, paying special attention to Grace's notes who already went through the boxes. (I must say, her notes were professional; such a great, great material). 

After some time, she woke; I reported her what we had been up to; in return, she told me about the ambush - that she wasn't sure what would have been the best to do, therefore she fled back to the Silver Sable. I told her we all were very concerned about her well-being and no one could blame her for what happened. Earlier she managed to make out Edward Job's and prof Ayres's former addresses at UCLA, so we decided I should check them out. (I was heading to the university anyway, to study those books I found at the library).

I took a cab to the campus. First, I paid a rather awkward visit to the department of administration; I wasn't quite sure how to hold forth my enquiry in a plausible manner (i.e. to get access flats or dorm rooms, used-to-be-accommodations of former teachers and students...), and I must say, I really missed both Grace's company and her handy badge issued by her government... and boi, sure I didn't impress the lady behind the desk, so in desperation, I happened to mumble something about Vanessa and her permission, which, to be honest, just made the whole situation even worse. I had to come to the conclusion, it was better off to leave the scene before it would be too late.

Then I headed to the library, but to reduce the damage that I had just done, I called Vanessa to give her heads up about the incident with the administration. Unfortunately, she had already knew it, and I felt that she was genuinely upset... I tried to convince her it was a miscommunication between the parties but she wasn't really receptive for my explanations. I assured her I was deeply sorry and asked not to let this incident to interfere with our friendship, but she hung up. After this I was really worried about my "late night" lecture on the upcoming week...

Regardless, I went to the library and tried to read the book titled the Cults of Askumite, but I wasn't be able to process the text... Due to my humiliation I was so absent-minded, I couldn't have been able to follow the reading even if it had been written in Dutch.