Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Interview with Edgar Job


Edgar Job smelled of cigarettes and mouthwash.  Dr Keaton granted Mr Job a crumpled, green packet of Lucky Strikes (which we later learned are his favourites).  He lit one and sat quietly before he spoke. 

Edgar referred to the cult as “Echavarria’s people” (they didn’t really use the word “cult” themselves).  He met Echavarria at UCLA, introduced by one George Avery.  Echavarria thew the best parties, focused on sex and drugs, and Mr Job claims he was basically high from 1923 through August 1924. 

Echavarria gave them ideas of things to say, things out of books.  He had a whole library of books – creepy books.  He made them promises of power, said they “would get whatever they wanted in the new time”, “when Golgarath was here” (“the Fisher from outside”).

It wasn’t what Edgar Job wanted – he just wanted the sex and drugs.  But then “things got serious”.  He referred to the incident, that night at the barn.  He went on to describe Vincent Stack’s assault upon the group with a shotgun, and his murder of Echavarria (as a shotgun to the belly).  In retaliation, Mr Job “gutted” Mr Stack with Echavarria’s knife. 

(He admits it, “knows it was wrong”, but can’t undo it.  Believes, like the doctors say, he should just move on.) 

Mr Job continued about that night – saying the summoning worked, alright.  Echavarria put spells on them, on him at least (he assumes that meant he was important somehow), just before the Fisher turned up.  He described the creature as having long arms, no head, but lots of mouths.  He couldn’t quite make it out, as he was too busy screaming.  Whatever they summoned, it wasn’t what they promised or what Echavarria expected.

He doesn’t know if anyone got away that night.  Except Mr Henslowe, that is.  Since he believed Mr Henslowe wanted him dead, he came after him first. 

(Following this, Dr Keaton terminated the interview.)